I am starting a new weekly post- that will chronicle my progress trying to lose weight- and become more fit. I am not ready to disclose my current benchmarks, but will call today Day 0. Then every week I will post my overall change in weight, body fat, and anything else I find important for the week. I will say that as of this morning, I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life. I would assume this is the highest body fat % also.
I will weigh and measure myself Wednesdays mornings, upon first getting out of bed. Initially, I will be using three different sites to calculate my body fat %:
I hope that as I do more research- I will find which site is more accurate, and use just one. But until then I will post the change in my average body fat % between the three.
I am also going to try to use http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ to track my daily eats and workouts. There are free iPhone/iPod, Android, and BlackBerry apps that also allows you to track things offline. (Since I have an iPod, and don’t have an always on Data Connection, this is perfect!)
Short Term Goals:
My goals over the next 30 days
- Work up to 200minutes+ per week of cardio
- Cut out all soda/red bull/sweets & desserts
- Check in every Wednesday, but ONLY on Wednesdays.
Kick some ass and gl 🙂